Each year the ADC Lab seeks to hire talented and energetic graduate researchers to join our research group. Given the focus and technical requirements of our research qualified candidates are expected to have a demonstrated track record of excellence in mathmatics (calc, stats/prob, lin alg), programming, and at least one relevant analytical field. Relevant analytical fields of interest include: controls, optimization, dynamics, and simulation. As such, students from virtual all STEM majors are welcome to apply – that’s right: math, physics, industrial, civil, mechanical, electrical, cs, and even chemical engineering. Strengths in applied probability/statistics and stochastics is a strong preference. Please note that all research projects involve programming. If you struggle with programming or learning programming, then the ADC Lab is not a good match. Students are expected to have mostly A grades in math, physics, programming, and analytical courses. According to their major, students with B grades in controls, dynamics, signal & systems, simulation, or optimization typically struggle with our research and as such will not be considered for funded positions.
Due to agency restrictions, there may exist artificial limitations on funding for international candiates (especially from specific countries); as such, funding for international students may be competitive. Based on academic records, students are welcomed to join the laboratory in an unfunded role. If the student is able to demonstrate execellence, then they will be prioritized for funding as it becomes availible.
If you are interested in a graduate research position feel free to send an email to Prof. Vela with a copy of your resume and unofficial transcript.