GUI Programmer

Do you like jigsaw puzzles? Does the idea of building a jigsaw puzzle with a robot sound cool?
A team of researchers at UCF (Vela, Keathley, Karwowski, and Lee), working in collaboration with GaTech, is looking for a motivated and conscientious undergraduate student with a background in computer science or a related field to design and implement a graphical user interface in python for a human-robot collaboration project. Position begins this summer for an hourly rate of $15, with the potential to continue into the Fall semester.
The student will mainly work with Dr. Adan Vela to design an interface for human workers to facilitate their interaction with the robot during a collaborative task (putting together jigsaw puzzles!). The interface will be required to record user input data while interacting with and initiating other monitoring and control systems related to the experiements. Oppertunties to expand into other research areas will be provided in support of the project’s overall progress. An ideal candidate possesses prior experience in python and programming GUIs. As part of the evaluation process candidates will be asked to demo a GUI they have designed previously. The estimated time commitment for this project is approximately 10-15 hours per week.
If you are interested in learning more, please email Prof. Vela ([email protected]) using the subject line ‘SuperviseIt GUI Design