Visiting Scholar

The ADC Lab welcomes visitors from across the United States and around the world. Visiting researchers of all ranks are invited, that includes undergraduate and graduate students, post-doc researchers, and faculty. If you feel there are any targeted areas of collaboration do not hesitate to reach out to Prof. Vela using the subject line ‘Visiting Scholar’. Besides access to world-class researchers, visiting scholars will access to a number of unique resources that include the Stokes High-Performance Cluster and direct access to real-time FAA SWIM data.
It is our goal to work with visiting scholars to produce a unique piece of work, in the form of developing a new research project ultimately resulting in a publication or to collaborate in writing a novel proposal.
In collaboration with UCF Global we will work with scholars to aquire the neccessary visitor visas. Unfortuntely, the ADC Lab does not have funding availible for visitors. However, we happy to support any applications for external funding.